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Get to know Rocio Solaire Roca, the visionary behind LovinGotham. Discover her personal journey from adversity to empowerment and how her mission is helping women around the world.

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The 1%

The 1%

The 1% co-written by Rocio Solaire Roca and James Paulino Everybody wants to be successful. But most people don’t have the roadmap to get to the finish line. And as soon as they realize you do, they jump in and are excited to share the ride with you.  But...
Mommy, pick me!

Mommy, pick me!

Mommy, pick me! The Impact of Birth Order  By Rocio Solaire Roca  Dedicated to My firstborn, My Middle child and My Little guy. We are all aware that children do not come with an instruction manual. Still, it is our responsibility as parents, to do the best...
Boss Lady

Boss Lady

Boss Lady by Rocio Solaire Roca Running a business is a dream come true and a major accomplishment. But just like everything else in life, being a business owner is not all peaches and cream. Especially if you are a woman.  After a very successful career on Wall...


The Magic of Music by Rocio Solaire Roca  Music has the magic to heal the sick, light your soul on fire and heal a broken heart.  Music has had a huge impact in my life since my earliest childhood  memory  My music journey began when I was 4 years...
The Loveless generation

The Loveless generation

Loveless Generation by Rocio Solaire Roca  “To fear love is to fear life itself. And if you fear life, you’re already dead” We are living in an era where it seems that everyone has lost the ability to truly love or they are so afraid of heartbreak that they will...
Letting go with Love

Letting go with Love

Letting go with Love by Rocio Solaire Roca  I once knew a couple. They met when they were teenagers and together they raised two beautiful girls. Through thick and thin, sickness and health, jail time and infidelity, they managed to stay together for 20...
Resume Tips

Resume Tips

Resume Tips by Rocio Solaire Roca  With the rate of unemployment on a rise, the job marketplace is becoming tougher each day. The competition is tough! Interviewing can become exhausting and can take a toll on your self esteem. Your resume is the most important...

Taller de Autoayuda y Superación Personal

Te invitamos a un evento transformador diseñado para ayudarte a sanar, aprender y alcanzar tus metas. Nuestro Taller de Autoayuda y Superación Personal te brindará herramientas prácticas y efectivas para liberarte de creencias limitantes y mejorar diversos aspectos de tu vida.

En este taller, aprenderás sobre:

  • Herramientas para sanar y liberarte de creencias limitantes.
  • Educación financiera.
  • Liderazgo efectivo.
  • Manejo del crédito.
  • Conexión interna.
  • Construcción de relaciones exitosas.
  • Uso de la ley de atracción.