
Are you successful?

by Rocio Solaire Roca Collado The key to long lasting fulfillment is finding balance  in our every day  lives. If we hustle and work long hours everyday to the point where we’re not eating well- our health with start to deteriorate. What about family?  Your children...

Divorce and the impact on children

Divorce and the impact on children

Does divorce impact children’s sentimental relationships as an adult? Or being raised in a divorced family does not have any influence on the sentimental relationship of children as an adult?  What do you think? Childhood plays an important part in our...

Cinico Masturbador

Cinico Masturbador

Era la fiesta de cumpleaños de una amiga. Estábamos celebrando en una disco del altoManhattan. Se me acercó un chico y se introdujo como el promotor del lugar. Mepareció una persona decente y “normal”. Bailamos algunas canciones y al concluir lanoche me pidió mi...

I am not afraid

I am not afraid

I am not afraid by Rocio Solaire Roca  I no longer allow others to weaken my strength I no longer allow society to tie my worth as a woman to a man, because a man does not define my worth  YOU think I’m a target because YOU think I need a male to defend me...

Mommy, pick me!

Mommy, pick me!

Mommy, pick me! The Impact of Birth Order  By Rocio Solaire Roca  Dedicated to My firstborn, My Middle child and My Little guy. We are all aware that children do not come with an instruction manual. Still, it is our responsibility as parents, to do the best...