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You didn’t stay

by | Feb 22, 2023 | Love, Rocio Solaire Roca

You didn’t stay 

but before you left, You held a mirror into my soul and thanks to you  I was able to heal the parts about me that needed correction.

You didn’t stay 

but You forced me to look inside and there I discovered that the beauty and love I was seeking was already within me. 

You didn’t stay

 but You always saw the best in me and because of you I am finally able to share the best version of me with the world.

You didn’t stay 

But You were there for me when I needed you the most. Everything I have and all that I am is  because of you. 

You didn’t stay 

But You bet on me when I was only full of doubts. 

You didn’t stay 

But You were always my knight in shining armor. You rescued me in every way a woman can be rescued. 

You didn’t stay 

But  It was through loving you that I found my way back to God. 

And if you never wake up again during this lifetime, I know that we will meet again in the next. 

I hope that  next time, we will meet before the world poisons us with all its bad programming about LOVE and this time you will stay.

With Love, Solaire Love 


Taller de Autoayuda y Superación Personal

Te invitamos a un evento transformador diseñado para ayudarte a sanar, aprender y alcanzar tus metas. Nuestro Taller de Autoayuda y Superación Personal te brindará herramientas prácticas y efectivas para liberarte de creencias limitantes y mejorar diversos aspectos de tu vida.

En este taller, aprenderás sobre:

  • Herramientas para sanar y liberarte de creencias limitantes.
  • Educación financiera.
  • Liderazgo efectivo.
  • Manejo del crédito.
  • Conexión interna.
  • Construcción de relaciones exitosas.
  • Uso de la ley de atracción.