Juego de amor ¡Aprende y Gana!
Descubre las reglas y estrategias para ganar en el juego del amor
Todo juego viene con instrucciones y una estrategia ganadora. El juego del amor no es la excepción. En este curso, aprenderás a comprender y aplicar las reglas esenciales para construir relaciones amorosas saludables y duraderas.
¿Qué aprenderás?
Entender las dinámicas del amor: Identifica las etapas y cambios en una relación.
Comunicación efectiva: Desarrolla habilidades para expresar tus sentimientos y necesidades de manera clara y respetuosa.
Autoconfianza y autoestima: Fortalece tu amor propio para atraer y mantener relaciones sanas.
Estrategias para el amor duradero: Aprende técnicas y enfoques prácticos para mantener viva la chispa en tu relación.

Game of Love: You lose, You learn, You win
by: Rocio Solaire Roca (Author)
Language: English/Español
Publication date: October 4, 2024
What if you could attract happiness into every facet of your life? What if true love is closer than you think, patiently waiting for you to discover it through a remarkable approach?
In Game of Love, Rocio Solaire Roca Collado invites you on a transformative journey to unlock the art of manifesting abundance and love in every aspect of your life.
Through the unique Solaire Method, this book equips you with essential tools to nurture a meaningful life, where genuine love transcends dreams and becomes a tangible reality.
If you’re searching for more than just answers—if you long for a life where love and joy move together in perfect harmony—this book is your guide. Discover how the journey of love can lead you to the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Manifesting Journal Paperback – January 6, 2023
by: Rocio Solaire Roca (Author), Yafreicy Brito (Author)
Print length: 429 pages
Language: English/Español
Publication date: January 6, 2023
Dimensions: 5.5 x 1.01 x 8.5 inches
How To use this Journal: Step 1: Identify Identify your desires by Writing at least 3 things you wish to manifest in each of the following categories this year: family. projects. purchases. LOVE. health. bliss. finance Step 2: Vision Board Create a vision board by cutting/pasting the 3 things you would like to manifest in each category. Step 3: Write your Screenplay Create the story of the life you wish to manifest by writing your personalized script using the images on your vision board. Let your imagination run wild. Be as detailed as possible. You will use this “movie” to perform your daily visualization exercise. Step 4 Life Business Plan Create the business plan of your life! Have you ever created a business Plan? Every business plan has a vision, mission, objectives, goals, and strategies. The strategy is the action plan you will take that will lead you toward your goals which will ultimately lead you to your objectives or in this case “the life you desire”. To accomplish this you will need to grab each of your desires and break down your strategy into daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals. Step 5: Action list the daily actions you are taking toward your goals. Wake up with gratitude and start the day by giving thanks. PRAY-Only to give thanks and ask for guidance throughout the day. Meditate- quiet your mind and ask and allow your inner being to guide you throughout your day. Step 5 Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly assessments Customize your own weekly self-care ritual. list your accomplishments for the week and plan your week ahead.At the end of each month see where you’re at and plan for the month ahead. use the wellness wheel after each quarter to rate yourself in each category.