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by | Feb 3, 2023 | Bliss, Rocio Solaire Roca

The Magic of Music by Rocio Solaire Roca 

Music has the magic to heal the sick, light your soul on fire and heal a broken heart. 

Music has had a huge impact in my life since my earliest childhood  memory 

My music journey began when I was 4 years old, when My mom took me to my first concert at Carnegie Hall. The performing artist was Rocio Jurado. (My namesake) 

I remember watching this woman and being so impressed. She was sensual and  intense and had incredible powerful vocals which I would only compare  to Whitney Houston. 

I grew up listening to my mom’s music. She mostly listened to Latin ballads and merengue. Some of my fondest memories of my mother were the times we went to concerts together. 

My dad liked rock and his favorite artist has always been Elton John. 

During my teenage years I was influenced by soft rock, freestyle, pop and some heavy metal. There was a lot going on in the music industry. MTV was launched and I was obsessed with watching music videos all day. 

Until I went into my clubbing years and fell in love with salsa. I would take salsa dance lessons and after class we would end up practicing the new steps nightclubs all over NYC. 

Music has the power to affect our moods and help with anxiety disorders, stress and depression and even help reduce pain. 

Music is also used to relax and assists through guided meditation. It’s why when we go to a spa there’s always soothing relaxing music playing. 

Certain sounds are also known to connect us with our inner being. There are special sounds that help attract love, abundance, and help manifest even in our sleep. 

When I Listen to different variations of music I notice my own change in behavior. Bad Bunny brings me joy. Salsa makes me dance! Luis Miguel gets me in the mood for romance. Beyoncé makes me feel empowered. Adele=heartbreak.  And Celine Dion connects me to heaven because the sound of her voice is so angelic. 

Music can be emotional triggers. I have a friend who states that every song she hears is linked to a person, or a particular moment in her life. I know there are songs that I don’t dare listen to because it takes me to a sad moment in time that I try to avoid. And by the same token there are songs we hear that bring us tears of joy because they remind us of a time in our lives where we were incredibly happy.

Music helps us stay connected to people. It opens up a universe of fun things to do with friends and family. It gives you an option other than eating and/or drinking. Dancing is a healthy and fun way to socialize while staying active!

Music is an accurate representation of what is currently happening in society. If you were under a coma for the last 20 years and you suddenly woke up and wanted to catch up, listen to music and you’ll find all the answers in the lyrics. (Not a good time to wake up from a coma right now, LOL!) I grew up listening to 80s love songs so it makes sense that I’m a hopeless romantic! The songs back then were focused on love and how men used to worship women. But the lyrics in songs today sound angry, bitter and degrading towards women. But I don’t think we’re ready to have this conversation in this article!

Until we meet again…

With Love, Solaire Love


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