My name is and I was born in Brooklyn NY.
When I was 4 years old, my family moved to Washington Heights which is home to the largest population of Dominicans in the US. Learn more about me…
I was a straight A student across all subjects but I always displayed a special interest towards math, so it made sense that as an adult I would end up choosing a career in Finance.
Although I was Raised in a traditional Dominican household where my dad worked while my mom stayed home. Growing up, I was influenced by strong independent women which led me to rebel against my misogynist culture early on. And rather than identifying with my submissive mom, I idolized Madonna. Which of course got me into a lot of travel growing up! LOL!
As a teenager, I was sent to an all girl catholic school in a failed attempt to keep me away from boys. Because listening to the passionate 80’s songs and the romantic movies, I developed an obsession with LOVE. And by the age of 16, I had my first BOY! By 17, I had a second BOY and by 18, I became a single mother.
Being a single mother at such a young age was extremely challenging. But with the help of my parents, I did not give up on my dreams of becoming a career woman.
I entered the securities industry in 1998. My time on the NYSE floor were some of the best years of my life. I mean what’s not to love? Adrenaline, money, power. All while the richest men in the country vowed down to me as I made my daily walk throughs.
After many years of a very successful career, eventually, my job began to feel unrewarding and emotionally unfulfilling. Although I excelled at my job and my customers connected well with me, I felt I could do more to improve people’s lives. I was missing something and I didn’t know what it was so I turned into spirituality in the attempt to find myself and it was then that I found my true purpose.
After 23 years, I decided to take all the knowledge I had acquired, and used it to improve the lives of the residents of my own community of Mount Vernon, NY by opening up my own Insurance and Financial Agency.
I chose this city because it’s where I reside and where I see the same gaps and concerns I felt growing up in Washington Heights and I knew I could effect real change.
But I didn’t stop there.
I wanted to reach as many people as possible. So I created the LovinGotham Community. LovinGotham is a a one stop shop for self help and professional development. We offer a an all inclusive wellness center to help you achieve all your goals in one place so you don’t have to go to FIFTY different places looking for help! We are able to accomplish this by collaborating with expert representatives in each area of life.
It is through serving the underrepresented community of Mount Vernon and through the LovinGotham program that I have found the role I was meant to fulfill and that is to help people from all walks of life find their purpose which will then lead them to a life of True Prosperity.