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Get to know Rocio Solaire Roca, the visionary behind LovinGotham. Discover her personal journey from adversity to empowerment and how her mission is helping women around the world.

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Our Motto

There is strength in unity but the ultimate level of success is achieved through the power of collaboration.


Create a results driven inclusive group of women entrepreneurs.

Gotham Ladies Book Club “I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn’t been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn’t have been ‘lucky’.”

– Oprah


  • Follow each other on social media.
  • Support each other by sharing expertise/skillset and offering help/collaborating with each other.
  • Pick one business (minimum) to promote on social media.
  • Pick one business monthly to “adopt” (Buy and/or send referrals).


  • BYOB.
  • Come prepared with whatever you need help with.
  • Keep up with your reading/professional development.

Read our principles

Taller de Autoayuda y Superación Personal

Te invitamos a un evento transformador diseñado para ayudarte a sanar, aprender y alcanzar tus metas. Nuestro Taller de Autoayuda y Superación Personal te brindará herramientas prácticas y efectivas para liberarte de creencias limitantes y mejorar diversos aspectos de tu vida.

En este taller, aprenderás sobre:

  • Herramientas para sanar y liberarte de creencias limitantes.
  • Educación financiera.
  • Liderazgo efectivo.
  • Manejo del crédito.
  • Conexión interna.
  • Construcción de relaciones exitosas.
  • Uso de la ley de atracción.